Northwest Eye surgeons

The Best 30 Seconds of Your Patient’s Year


SMILE is at NWES and the vision options for your patients will never be the same!

We couldn’t be more excited to offer SMILE laser technology at Northwest Eye Surgeons. Our doctors and team are confident the lives and vision of our patients will be changed through this new innovation in laser vision correction. It’s time to SMILE!

You know your patients. They’ve shared their best moments and memories with you over the last year. We all cherish memories, and having clear vision is an important part of having clear, long-lasting memories. Clear vision allows us to capture vivid memories and enjoy every moment of life.

This year, what if a 30-second procedure could give your patients the better vision they’ve desired for a long time? Could that make it the best 30 seconds of their year?

SMILE is a simple, gentle and powerful laser vision correction option that gently reshapes your patients vision so they can live their lives without glasses or contacts. Patients consistently say how surprised they are at the comfort of the SMILE procedure, how quick it is, and how quickly they recover their vision and can get back to their lives. SMILE truly is the first major innovation in laser vision correction since LASIK!

With the launch of our SMILE program, we now offer the most complete set of laser vision technology available in the Pacific Northwest. Together with LASIK, SMILE gives NWES another powerful technology to help reshape your patients’ vision and frees them from glasses and contacts. Practices that are serious about providing the right custom treatment for each patient should have both LASIK and SMILE technology in their laser vision correction programs. Because we offer both, you can be sure that your patients will receive the absolute best treatment option for their unique eyes.

Here’s to a life of better vision, freedom from glasses, and memories your patients can SMILE about!

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